Your relationship can heal. Find your way back to each other. Book a free consult now!
The work
Has your relationship lost that “spark” that it once had?
Do you and your partner find yourselves in the same cycle of fighting over seemingly meaningless things?
Do you find yourself constantly on edge over things your partner says or does?
Does it feel like there isn’t any romance, intimacy, or sex anymore?
Do you feel stuck and hopeless?
It can feel like you’re in a relationship with a different person or someone that you don’t even know anymore. The arguments seem to happen more frequently and feel more intense. This leads to resentment and anger, which only continues the argumentative cycle. Being in this place as a couple can feel hopeless and hurtful. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.
It’s so common for couples to get into a dance of disconnection. What starts out feeling like the honeymoon stage of laughter and overwhelming love, suddenly morphs into resentment, eye-rolling, and annoyances. Why does our loving relationship now feel like it’s distant and forced?
Most couples will go through this cycle of things changing from bliss and constant PDA to more mundane and misunderstandings. It’s completely normal! The problem comes in when partners aren’t able to move past this stage (that’s where finding a couples therapist comes in handy). Do you want a deeply trusting and safe partnership? With couples therapy, it’s absolutely possible.
Can couples therapy save a relationship?
Absolutely, yes. Couples therapy can save a relationship. As a couples therapist and marriage counselor, I have seen it time and time again. There are several things that are needed in order to make couples therapy work:
People who genuinely care for each other and their relationship,
Putting in the required effort around bettering themselves, and
Implementing the proven strategies and techniques that their couples counselor provides.
When these are present, I’ve found that yes, therapy can save a relationship that often felt doomed.
Couples therapy provides a safe space to explore, process and talk about things that have been buried or ignored. As your therapist, we’ll create an alliance that will allow both partners to feel truly seen and heard. The goal is to create deep intimacy, not just sexually, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
My role
As your couples counselor, my goal is to deepen your connection and love. Together we’ll create a space for intimacy and affection by reestablishing security and trust between you and your partner. I’ll help each partner reveal their true selves within the relationship. We do this by being truly vulnerable and allowing for empathy and understanding. Together, we create a path to reconnection by healing past wounds that get in the way of your affection towards one another. Also by taking accountability for your perceptions and projections.
As your couples therapist, I’ll celebrate and highlight the moments and times when you’ve been able to tap into each other and connect. I’ll also redirect and reframe heated moments and hard-to-hear truths to allow for a deepened understanding. I’ll have your back as your couples counselor. That means I’ll know when to push each of you towards growth, while also respecting where you are and your process. I’ll never force my own agenda that doesn’t align with your relationship’s needs or wants.
As a collective, our work in couples therapy will constantly be evolving and deepening towards greater understanding and growth. My goal by the end of our time together is to know that your relationship and partner is now a safe haven for you. The person to lean on during difficult times and to also feel empowered by and supported from when you need that extra push.
This work isn’t easy, but neither are relationships. As you allow me into your sacred bond, I’m always aware that this is an honor. I do not presume to have all the answers, but rather go into this space that we’ll create as a collaborator, who helps you and your partner to tap into the love that’s already there. It’s time to put each other first again, take the first step and schedule a session. I look forward to starting this journey together.